Larrikin Puppets bring fun and exciting kid's entertainment to Vacation Care and OSHC with a puppet show and/or a hands-on puppetry performance workshop that will keep everyone happy and engaged on school holidays!
All over Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast, our colourful puppet characters visit vacation care run by PCYC, YMCA and Centacare, as well as Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) held at schools.

“What an amazing, fun, funny, enjoyable show at Vacation Care. The children had a blast. Laughing, clapping, cheering (very loudly), the puppets even had us all dancing! Everyone had a complete ball. The puppets made our day….”
At Vacation Care, we present our always crowd pleasing puppet show featuring two puppeteers and our gaggle of funny, furry puppets for songs, games, jokes and live interaction with the audience – including the opportunity for a few lucky volunteers to have a go operating some puppets.
Contact us here if you’d like a puppet show for Vacation Care.
Puppet Show (Including our Storytime & Themed Show options)
No cap on audience numbers, so audience numbers vs number of shows is your call based on programming format and the space available.
Visit our Rate Card for Vacation Care.

We also present our interactive 1 hour puppetry performance workshop, where participants get to practice puppetry techniques using real puppets. We received our formal training in the USA under Jim Henson puppeteers from The Muppets and Sesame Street. Teaching these performance skills to students at here in Australia is something very special and unique that we offer. And given there are a lot of older kids in OSHC, the puppetry performance workshop is quite engaging and fun for the over 8s instead of a puppet show.
Puppetry Performance Workshop details here.
Puppetry Performance Workshop (1 hour)
There is a cap of 50 participants per workshop because we have 50 workshop puppets available to lend to each student per class.
Visit our Rate Card for Vacation Care.
* Bulk discount rates are available for bookings of multiple performances at the same location on the same day OR for multiple performances at the same location across consecutive days, in situations where our puppet theatre is able to remain set up for duration of the booking. Examples include 2-3 puppet shows in one day, or 1 workshop a day on both Tuesday and Wednesday.
Contact us here if you’d like a puppetry performance workshop for Vacation Care.

We have current Blue Cards and Public Liability Insurance (through Duck For Cover). Details of these can be provided on request.

Brooke from Network Ten’s Totally Wild took a crash course in puppetry on the show! Have a look: