The Larrikin Puppets kindness and anti bullying puppet show is ideal for children in childcare centres, kindergartens, and early primary school classes (Prep, Grades 1 and 2).
In addition to the short skits, songs and games themed around kindness, anti bullying, friendship and acceptance of different types of people, there is a story time segment in which our wonderful storyteller Elissa is joined by puppet character Frazzamatazz for the reading of a book by one of three Australian children’s authors that we’re working with – Hazel Edwards OAM, Susanne Gervay OAM, Glenn Martin and Caroline Stills.
At Larrikin Puppets we believe all children deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. We believe that all children deserve to have friends. Nobody should feel alone or left out.

In our puppet show we explore different feelings and emotions, how we express them, how we can help each other deal with them, and how we ourselves can best deal with them. We talk about showing empathy towards our friends rather than making fun of them or bullying them.
We also talk about self love – being happy with who we are. Happy with our own looks, talents, personalities and quirks. It’s important to note that self esteem is not to be confused with arrogance or narcissism.

Costs: For prices and packages visit our Rate Cards.
Two presenters: Brett Hansen and Elissa Jenkins.
Cost Covers:
– 30 minute interactive puppet show.
– 5 minute “How the puppets work” demonstration.
– 5-10 minute Meet-and-greet and photo opportunity with the puppets after the show.
– Two performers.
– Time allowance for travel to and from venue.
– Load in, set-up and pack-down of the puppet stage, props, puppets and sound equipment.
– Rehearsal time prior to the event.
– Quality characters.
– Quality puppetry.
Brett’s Working With Children Blue Card number is 1161011/3, Elissa’s is 690261/3. We have Public Liability Insurance through Duck For Cover Entertainers Insurance.
We have performed and trained professionally in the USA with Jim Henson puppeteers from Sesame Street and The Muppets.
For Australian television we’ve performed puppetry in TV shows Shake Takes, Totally Wild, The Bureau of Magical Things, and music videos for artists such as Regurgitator’s Pogogo Show, ILLY and Gutterfire.
Please consider the Larrikin Puppets Kindness and Anti Bullying Puppet Show for a colourful, fun and interactive presentation of puppetry and messages about being kind, helpful, friendly and accepting of each other – for audiences 7 and under, and their teachers.