Arlo, aged 2, after flying to attend his grandfather’s funeral in Melbourne, has found himself quarantined in the Northern Territory with his parents and baby brother Zachary for 2 weeks – prior to being allowed to go back home.
Like all who endure quarantine facilities, there’s no outdoor greenspace for children to run around and play. So many families wile away the long days online. As 90% of a child’s brain is formed in the first five years of life, child development during these long days is vital. But often it can be tricky for families to figure out what to do!
In response, some of Australia’s and New Zealand’s most fabulous children’s entertainers and activity providers have got together to contribute a bunch of cool FREE stuff for Arlo, Zachary and his family – and other kids and families – to do together in quarantine.
1. Dance Like A Unicorn with Larrikin Puppets
Dear Arlo, Zachary and all the kids in quarantine … Dancing is a great way to get your body moving while in quarantine, so of course it’s once again time to Dance Like A Unicorn! You all take care and ENJOY being unicorns! – Love Larrikin Puppets.
Below is the Dance Like A Unicorn music video to dance along to AND here is a secret special link to our longer video showing exactly how to do the dance steps! Make sure you get Mum and Dad dancing with you!
2. Jump & Jiggle with Story Surprise
Dear Arlo, Zachary (and the other kids in quarantine) … we are thinking of you all. Take care of each other! Lots of love Anthony & Lauren from Story Surprise.
Story Surprise presents Jump & Jiggle classes and here’s one all about the Weather! They are 30 minute themed imaginative play sessions which get our bodies moving. And here is their playlist on YouTube featuring 20 action packed Story Surprise episodes.
3. Get Moving with Kids Moves
Dear Arlo (And all kids in quarantine) … We don’t have any YouTube videos, so we’re going to stream our Kids Moves class LIVE on Facebook just for you and all kids in quarantine on Sunday morning 25 July, with a special shout out to you all! I hope you can tune in! – Kids Moves.
4. Find My Bike with Benny Time
Dear Arlo (And all kids in quarantine) … It’s a tough thing to be stuck in the same room for such a long time. I just want you to know that I think you’re amazing, because even though you may not know it, you are doing your bit to keep all of us safe and I think that makes you pretty amazing.
Travel through Benny’s town and see the sights while helping him locate some of his lost things. Play Find My Bike with Benny Time.

5. A Little Song Workshop with Angie Who
Dear Arlo and all kids in quarantine … We’re thinking of you in these wild times! Sending lots of love, Angie Who x
Join singer-songwriter Angie Who on a folky, blue-grassy journey through a collection of songs-of-old and originals from her album I Love You The Most – a musical experience for grown ups and their little people!
6. Dance, Dance, Dance with Itty Bitty Beats
Dear Arlo (and the other kids in quarantine)… we are thinking of you all. Take care of each other! Much love from Lucy and Jenny from Itty Bitty Beats in New Zealand.
Join Itty Bitty Beats as they Dance Dance Dance – and dance along together!
7. Pull A Funny Face with B Minor Music
Hey there Arlo, Zachary and everyone who is in Quarantine and lockdowns. You’re doing such a great job at keeping the community safe. Keep up the great work, I’m very proud of you. Love and hugs, Bree from B Minor Music.
Have fun dancing and pulling funny faces in this fun video. And discover even more from B Minor Music on YouTube.
8. Sing The Months with Little Wild Music
Dear Arlo and all the kids like you in quarantine or in lockdown, we believe in you! Hope that a little wild musical fun might lighten your days. Big hugs from Claudia at Little Wild Music, New Zealand.
Here is a song for remembering all the months from Little Wild Music so you always know how many sleeps it is until your birthday.
9. Hands Up with Van Sereno
Hello there Arlo and all kids in quarantine! Here’s a little action song to get you moving! Keep on keeping on! Van.
10. Postnatal Workout from Kangatraining
Dear Arlo … We’d love to donate 3 Kangatraining online classes your Mum can do with you OR your baby brother Zachary. This is a gift just for Arlo, Zachary and family from Kangatraining and Larrikin Puppets.
Kangatraining is a safe postnatal workout for mum and baby. Discover more about Kangatraining’s online classes, great for Mums during quarantine and lockdowns.

11. Sign & Sing with Sunshine Sign And Sing
Dear Arlo and all the kids in quarantine … Happy Signing 😊🌈🎶👋 Good luck and best wishes, Sunshine Sign and Sing.
Sunshine Sign and Sing have baby & toddler key word sign videos available for free on the Sunshine Coast Libraries website and others through AVID Property Group Australia as part of their Avid Engage program.
They use key word signs alongside songs and stories.
12. Jet Set Go Online Drama Class with Immerse Drama
Dear Arlo and all the kids in quarantine … Join us in this class as we Jet Set off to Europe! – Hope it helps, Immerse Drama. xxx
Get those creative brains in gear as kids follow along with songs, drama and dancing in this interactive online session.
You can also download the activity pack here.