Discover our suite of NEW THEMED shows for Childcare & Primary School incursions. And we now even have a NEW puppetry program for High Schools and Higher Education (Universities/TAFEs). And best of all, we come to you!
Childcare & Kindy Incursions
We’ve opened up more booking dates for 2023, so you can now book Larrikin Puppets to visit your centre twice a year! Book our award-winning Puppet Show from February to July THEN book a Themed Puppet Show from August to December – chock full of child development benefits. Check out our Early Childhood Rate Card and book now!

Primary School Incursions
Larrikin Puppets provides national curriculum aligned Puppet Shows and Workshops for Primary School Incursions – Years Prep-6. Teachers can choose from a range of colourful, exciting, educational and inspiring puppet shows for their students to enjoy. Students can also learn the fundamental techniques that bring Muppet-style puppet characters to life.
Larrikin Puppets won ‘Best Kids Live Show’ and ‘Best Local School Aged Activity (5-12 years)’ at the national 2021 What’s On 4 Kids Awards.
For details download a Primary School Info Pack now! A Primary School Rate Card is also available.

High School Incursions & Higher Education Masterclasses
We’re super excited to launch a new suite of puppetry programs for Secondary School, University and TAFE students.
For High School Drama, Media Arts and Visual Arts, our puppetry performance incursions – Curriculum aligned for Years 7-12 – are hands-on workshops that provide an introduction to puppetry arts for stage and screen, with a focus on Muppet-style puppetry. For details download a High School Info Pack. A High School Rate Card is also available.
Did you know Grogu (Baby Yoda) from The Mandalorian is a hand and rod puppet? Did you know very few filmmakers in Australia know how puppets are filmed? For Higher Education, we’re stoked to launch our Puppetry Workshops for Stage (live theatre) and Screen (Film & TV) to university and college students of Drama, Theatre and Screen Production. If you’re a lecturer of Drama or Film, please be in touch. Or pass the info on to lecturers you might know! A Higher Education Info Pack and Rate Card is available.

I hope this message finds you well. I am interested in learning more about your puppet show. Could you please provide me with the following details?
1. Duration of the show
2. Description of the performance and themes
3. Availability of dates
4. Pricing information
Thank you for your assistance! I look forward to your response. We are in a childcare setting and looking for an incursion for our graduation children