Our debut single “Dance Like A Unicorn” is now on Spotify! Our characters Marina (blue) and Scrambles (red) are the singers. Challenge: Can we get 1000 individual listens (ie. 1000 different phones) in its first week?
The single will not only be available on Spotify, but also on YouTube, Google Play, iTunes/Apple Music, and various other music streaming services. You can even hear a snippet of the track on TikTok, and people have already started using it on their little TikTok videos.
The other place where you can download Dance Like A Unicorn is BandCamp. The link is here: https://larrikinpuppets.bandcamp.com/track/dance-like-a-unicorn?fbclid=IwAR28k3Piz0oRXH1SToDjh3WCbNIFnSLUYYCaAcPfeOzYgdXBinlJeZm-mzE
At BandCamp you can choose to download it for $1 or more if you wish.
We’re hoping to get more than 1000 listens to Dance Like A Unicorn on Spotify so that the app starts tracking new listens. When a track has under 1000 listens, it is simply listed as “< 1000”. We would like to start seeing numbers beyond 1000.
Thanks for your support! And keep an eye out for more of our songs on Spotify, BandCamp and many other music streaming services!